Construct a simple 3D structure, hands-on activity allows you to explore balance, strength, joining and design whilst learning the materials strengths and weaknesses.

Learn, play, have fun and be imaginative and playful. Test and explore the possibilities of the materials and make your own unique structural forms.
Think theme park, think architecture, think dens and playgrounds.
Use various collage materials and, perhaps, other useful items from around your home to build and construct with.
Learn different methods of securing and constructing using tape, paper, pipe cleaners, cocktail sticks, cardboard, foam, split-pins, plastic and paper straws etc.
You will need:
. Scissors
. Tape
. Plasticine or play dough (optional)
. Various construction materials (see list above)
Cut slots in cardboard or the ends of straws to connect pieces together
For inspiration you could look at photos of unusual buildings, structures and playgrounds
Use a Lego figure to show scale
Draw your structure
Cast shadows through your structure by using a torch.
Talk through and explain your structure together, ask questions; 'What was your idea?', 'What’s your favourite thing about your design?', 'How tall is your structure?'
What you will have learnt and achieved from this activity
· Problem solving and engineering - discovering ways to connect and construct
· Manipulating materials - developing dexterity and fine motor skills
· Creative thinking - using your imagination
. Exploration and experimentation - exploring your ideas and materials
· Evaluating and analysing creative works - sharing ideas and imagination