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Get creative with Collage

Collage has been explored by many different artists for hundreds of years and can be found in lots of different art movements like Surrealism, Pop Art and Cubism, and has been used by artists such as Pablo Picasso and Henri Matisse.

To create a collage picture, gather lots of interesting and different coloured and patterned papers; you could also combine photos, newspaper, maps, old book pages, magazines images, wallpaper, cards, computer prints outs and packaging.

You might want to choose a theme for your collage that says something about you as an artist and reflects your personality and interests. You could use collage to create a surrealist dream-like picture or take your inspiration from your favourite objects, pets or even yourself and create a wonderful works of art combining lots of unusual recycled collaged materials.

Collage techniques

Cut, tear, paste and overlay different textures and materials to make your picture.

You will need:

· Interesting papers and images such as, newspaper, magazines, old book pages and even the insides of envelopes (these are often patterned).

· Drawing materials

· Scissors

· PVA glue, glue stick or a small amount of flour and water to stick.


. You might want to draw a faint outline on your paper first, so you know where to glue your collage materials

. Always arrange and compose your picture first before glueing down onto the paper, this allows you to arrange elements and make changes

. How about painting your own paper?

Please share your creations and give me a mention! @artlab.workshops #artclubfromhome or email your creations to

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