Create fun and unusual drawing tools to create unique marks, approaching drawing in a new challenging and exciting way.
This activity allows you to engage in mark making in a fun and playful way, the outcomes are determined by the drawing tools themselves, releasing control from the artist and allowing for unexpected and uncontrolled outcomes.
This activity is a process driven activity, and the focus is to make innovative drawing tools using a wide range of media to create interesting marks and results.
You will need:
Drawing materials: pens, biros, pencils, crayons, chalks, and pastels.
Fixing materials: Scissors, masking tape, rubber bands, pegs, and plasticine
Optional: old CDs, fidget spinner, rubber glove and toilet rolls.
Once you have gathered your materials be playful and inventive and have fun making various drawing tools and enjoy exploring the different marks they can create.
Try these unusual drawing tools and techniques
Adapt a fidget spinner into a drawing machine. Use a small half sized pencil and hold in place with a small bolt and watch it spin, creating small loops across the paper.
Make a drawing claw with 'pencil fingers'. Using a rubber glove, you can attach pencils or pens to the fingers with masking tape and then try drawing with these.
Long stick drawing tool attach a pen, pencil, crayon or chalk to the end of a long stick and try drawing from a distance.
Use pegs, rubber bands and masking tape to make a long drawing tool, using multiple pens or pencils to draw with at the same time.
CD spinning top pen attach a thick pen or pencil into the middle using tape or plasticine to create a spinning top pen, watch it draw spirals across the paper.
Hand operated toilet roll drawing tool. Use masking tape to attach various pens/pencils etc and when the toilet roll is moved across the paper all the pens/pencils will make a mark at the same time.
See images below
Talk through and explain your process, ask questions
'What was your favourite drawing tool?' 'What did you notice?' 'What would you do differently?'
What you will have learnt and achieved from this activity
Problem solving - discovering ways to connect and construct.
Exploration and experimentation - exploring and developing ideas and materials.
Investigating - making marks in unusual ways
Please share your creations and give me a mention! @artlab.workshops #artclubfromhome